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ChemicalWorkz - Premium Twisted Towel - dry towel 75x40cm 1600GSM

Vendor: ChemicalWorkz
SKU: CW_14365
Availability: In stock
19,90 €
19,90 €
Subtotal: 19,90 €

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ChemicalWorkz - Premium Twisted Towel - dry towel 75x40cm 1600GSM

ChemicalWorkz - Premium Twisted Towel 75x40cm 1600GSM is ChemicalWorkz's thirstiest drying towel to date thanks to its long fibers with a high GSM number

Unlike many other towels of this type, this towel has a twist-loop structure on both sides. This structure with its long, luxurious fibers creates no surface tension or resistance, which greatly reduces friction. It allows you to dry even faster, more thoroughly and more gently than with conventional towels and exceeds even the most demanding expectations with its streak-free drying result. The ChemicalWorkz Premium Twisted Towel also has rounded corners that further increase the lifespan of your towel.


  • Color: grey
  • Size: 75 x 45 cm
  • Grammage/Surface weight: 1600GSM (g/m²)
  • Textile components: 70% polyester / 30% polyamide (100% microfiber)
  • Resealable, environmentally friendly ziplock bag


  • Washable at up to 40 degrees in the washing machine.
  • For longer life, wash with microfiber detergent.
  • After washing, shake out the Dual Pile Towel and hang it to dry.

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