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Shiny Garage - Coco Tire Booster - tire dressing 500ml

Vendor: Shiny Garage
SKU: SG_4418
Availability: In stock
14,90 €
14,90 €
Subtotal: 14,90 €

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Shiny Garage - Coco Tire Booster - tire dressing 500ml

Shiny Garage - Coco Tire Booster is a tire dressing with which you can create a MATTE, SATIN or SHINY surface depending on the application.

The shelf life is approx. 2 weeks.


  1. MATTlook: Spray directly onto an applicator and distribute the product evenly
  2. SATINlook: Spray 1 - 2 pump sprays directly onto the tire and then distribute with an applicator
  3. GLANZlook: Spray directly onto the tire and wipe with a microfiber cloth if necessary

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